Sunday, May 30, 2010


Today our church was pleased to host Rev. Dwayne Spearman. Dwayne once served on staff at FBC; in fact, he held the very job that I now hold. Last summer he moved his family to Lima, Peru, where he is now involved in Christian education. Please pray for Dwayne, his wife Jannett, and their 2 sons.
If you are interested in learning more about his ministry, visit

1 comment:

  1. Hello Tracy: I just got up2date on all your recent blogs. Sounds like uve been busy. I just said a quick prayer for "C" and Dwayne. Speaking of VBS, ours starts in 3 weeks. I am helping out this year running sound for the praise team (a youth group). I'm looking forward 2 it. Ur still in our prayers PreacherMan..........I'll hollarachi l8er.....Mr.Sam
