Tuesday, January 22, 2013

♪ I'd Like To Buy The World A Coke...... ♪

When I was still living in South Carolina our church did a "Super Bowl outreach" one year.  I don't remember where I got the idea, but here are the highlights: we put a 2-liter Coke, a bag of microwavable popcorn, and a note into a plastic bag.  The note explained that this was a gift from our church, and that we hoped they enjoyed it while they watched the game.  We then passed these out in a local mobile home park.  It was a big surprise for the residents, and lots of fun for us!

We are doing the same thing here this year.  We have unofficially adopted a local apartment complex, and have done some ministry with children there over the past several weeks.  We hope to introduce ourselves to even more of the residents, and to let them know we are here if they ever need us.

p.s. For a trip down memory lane, click here.

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