Monday, October 29, 2012


Ever since I arrived in Brownsville, I have thought, "If I can just get past the next thing (whatever that was), I can breathe a little".  Silly me!

The week of October 15 our staff was away (sort of) for our annual retreat.  I barely turned on my computer, so of course I'm behind on my posting.  Last week was catch up for me.  I am spending a lot of time working on the missions camp.  It is coming together quite well; now I'm trying to get the word out.

I don't know if I've ever done anything at FBC that I'm more excited about than this camp.  We're able to offer it for only $200 per person.  That gets you lodging, meals, and ministry supplies for your projects.

And now a word about the speakers.  There'll be no dry lectures in our missions camp!  We've put together an impressive group of folks who not only know their stuff, but are actually living it.  You'll be stirred as you hear how God has used these men, often in difficult situations, for His glory around much of the world.

As is often said, some things are better caught than taught, and so it is with missions.  So we'll be doing, as well as learning from those who have done.  If you are a leader in your church, and would like to light a fire under your group, you may want to consider it. 

“Give me the Love that leads the way
The Faith that nothing can dismay
The Hope no disappointments tire
The Passion that'll burn like fire
Let me not sink to be a clod
Make me Thy fuel, Flame of God” 

   - Amy Carmichael

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