Over the past few years we've seen a huge upswing in the number of true crime shows on TV. There's "48 Hours" and "Dateline" on the networks, with a slew of others on the various cable channels.
A typical case might go like this: an attractive woman lives with her husband and two kids in Anytown, USA. All who know her describe her as an excellent mother, loving daughter, and loyal friend. She and her husband have been married for 12 years, and are enjoying the good life in suburbia.
One day the woman is found brutally murdered in her home. Who could possibly have wanted her dead? She had no enemies, and everybody who met her loved her. It must've been a robbery gone bad.
But it doesn't take investigators long to discover the dark truth about this family. Seems that the victim had confided in friends that her marriage was in trouble, and suspected that her husband had been having an affair. She just couldn't take it anymore, and would be leaving him soon. The grieving husband denies all this, but with a little digging the cops soon find that he had indeed been seeing someone on the side, and they have the e-mails, pictures, and phone records to prove it. Faced with undeniable evidence, the husband admits that, yes, he has been looking elsewhere for companionship lately, but that doesn't make him a murderer.
Something- a receipt, a bit of security camera footage, a fingerprint - always gives him away. He has done the unthinkable: he has murdered the mother of his kids. He is summarily arrested, tried, and (virtually always on these shows) found guilty. He usually won't admit to actually committing the crime, though, even after he is convicted. And so the show ends with the husband in prison, having lost his entire family (and lover), defiantly vowing to appeal this miscarriage of justice until his dying breath.
Now some may find these crime-as-entertainment shows a little macabre, but I confess that I find them fascinating. Why do men do what they do? How did the cops find the killer? What techniques did they use? Did the accused actually do it, and could I have voted "guilty" if I were on the jury?
But by far the most common question I ask myself is this:
how in the world did they think they could get away with this?? (Note to would-be killers: the cops will check your cell phone records. And bank records. And e-mails. And if you've taken out a $2,000,000 insurance policy on your wife 2 weeks before she "slips" in the bathtub, someone will find that suspicious.)
Let's consider a biblical parallel: how many times did God warn Israel of what would happen if she strayed from what was right? How many prophets and miracles did He employ to make His point? How many years did he give them to repent once they did stray? The answer doesn't matter; they were going to get away with it.
In my opinion we are witnessing the same thing on a national scale today, and it's happening very quickly. We add a trillion dollars to our national debt every 9 months, the family is disintegrating before our eyes, and about 20% of our fellow citizens profess no religion whatsoever. Can we get away with this? Will we be able to simply bury the old, repressive ways of our forebears, to then find joy and bliss with other enlightened brethren in this new secular paradise? I wouldn't bet on it. In fact, I'd say the Judge will have something to say about that.